Trend analysis - Method & theory

Familiarise yourself with theoretical frameworks and foresight methods that you can apply in trend analysis.

Hype Cycle & S-Curve Analysis

Dr. Tuomo Kuosa goes into detail about how Futures Platform's futurists differentiate a trend from a hype.

Understanding the Larger Picture and Path-dependencies: Megatrends, Trends and Change Drivers
Megatrends, trends and change drivers are the staple of any foresight work. Analysing them is the key to understanding future developments.

From Trendspotting to Trendsetting: How Trend Analysis Can Help Your Organisation Shape the Future
Knowing ‘what’s next’ in future trends and megatrends is essential to be able to act on influential changes at the right time. With trend analysis, organisations can position themselves as leaders and build adaptability and resilience against future challenges.