Strategy process - Case studies

Discover how other strategy teams have been using Futures Platform to achieve success, with real-world examples and insights from experts in the field.

How Kouvola Innovation created a communal strategy with collaborative foresight
Together with their staff the Kouvola Innovation (Kinno) management team and board updated their strategy to ensure their innovative approach in the future.

New strategy based on foresight - Case: The Association of Finnish Technical Traders
A key objective was to build the new strategy on a profound understanding of future trends and drivers of change, how those will be transforming society at large, and how the changes will be impacting customers as well as the member companies.

Future foresight in strategic offering development - Case: Martela
Martela used Futures Platform as a tool to help navigate the trends that are shaping the future of workplaces.

Building Four Future Visions for the City of Parkano in Finland- Case Study

Futures Platform helped the City of Parkano in Finland broaden its horizons and explore different futures ahead of strategy work.