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How Kouvola Innovation created a communal strategy with collaborative foresight  ​

Together with their staff the Kouvola Innovation (Kinno) management team and board updated their strategy to ensure their innovative approach in the future.


About Kinno

Kouvola Innovation Ltd., also known as Kinno, is a regional business development company owned by the City of Kouvola in Finland. Kinno's mission is to increase the vitality of the Kouvola region by providing services for companies. Kinno coaches and engages entrepreneurs and plays an active role in social networks which boosts the local economy onwards. Kinno's core strength is understanding and managing change both on local and global levels.

Creating a shared strategy for the future

As a part of Kinno's strategy renewal process, Futures Platform facilitated a co-creation workshop day for Kinno's entire staff, which focused on strategic guidelines for the whole company. The dialog-focused approach served the work in a meaningful way, and gave the company much needed insight into their strategy development.

Futures Platform's solution served as a working environment throughout the process, and the strategic guidelines and paths to the future were generated by the staff using the platform's collaboration tools. The final results of the efforts were then presented to the Kouvola Innovation’s Board of Directors, who approved it as the basis of the company's work in the coming years in a very inspired discussion day, also facilitated by Futures Platform.​

How to create a forward-looking and communal strategy like Kinno:

Step 1. Collect information from experts and internal research: Futures Platform foresight database created by a team of futurists was used here. After that, a foresight map suitable for their strategy process was created together with Futures Platform's experts. At the same time, the key people from Kinno were selected who started collecting change phenomena themselves.​ 

Step 2. In the next step, a pre-workshop task was arranged where people (management and staff) were invited to vote on the change phenomena that they feel to have the greatest impact on their own work in the future. Futures Platform's online solution was used in this phase as a co-working platform with its collaboration​ features. Everyone participating the workshop was given online access to the platform.

Step 3. Futures Platform a joint co-design workshop was arranged together with management and staff where the results of the preliminary task was used as a starting point and further evaluated. The day was very inspiring and productive. Futures platform's online platform was also used in the workshop as a co-design tool.​

Step 4. The workshop's results were documented and the documentation used as the strategy presentation.​

Step 5. The new strategy developed in cooperation with the staff was refined together with Kinno's management.​

Step 6. To conclude the work, Futures Platform held an interactive presentation of the new strategy for Kinno's board where they had also a deeper look and discussion of the key phenomena of change. The board accepted the strategy created together with their staff and they decided to focus on to continue to develop and promote foresight and change capability within their organisation together with Futures Platform.

Are you interested in creating a shared strategy with your organisation? Contact us and we will be happy to facilitate the process together with you: support@futuresplatform.com.
